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dc.contributor.authorFadeyeva, T.S.-
dc.contributor.authorФадеева, Т.С.-
dc.identifier.citationФадеева Т.С, Значение гетерозиготности и онтогенетических адаптации в сохранении типичности сортов клонов земляники // Исследования по генетике. 1964. Вып. 2, с. 111-120en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe genetic constitution in clonal varieties of strawberry (F. ananassa Duch., F. moschata Duch. and F. vesca L.) Has been studied. Heterozygosity of the individual plants and of the clonal varieties was shown by means of inbreeding, some strains which have been isolated in I₁ widely differing in their morphological and physiological characters of the vegetativeand reproductive organs. On the basis of the results of inbreeding And of interstrain and intervarietal crosses it was concluded that the optimala Heterozygosity of the plants in the clone, as well as the ontogenetic adaptations, provide the heterotic type of development of the variety at the high level of homeostasis. It is this heterotic type of development of individual plants and individual adaptations of a clone which provide the stable and high yield of the clone — variety plants.en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesИсследования по генетике;-
dc.subjectontogenetic adaptationen_GB
dc.titleThe significance of heterozygosity and ontogenetic adaptations for the retention of the typical variety characteristics in the clones of strawberry (Fragaria SPP.)en_GB
dc.title.alternativeЗначение гетерозиготности и онтогенетических адаптации в сохранении типичности сортов клонов земляникиen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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