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dc.contributor.authorPakhomova, Liubov A.-
dc.description.abstractThis paper is devoted to the literature review analysis on the topic of competitive priorities and their role in operations strategy and business performance. The analysis was based on the articles published in top-tier journals in Operations and Technology Management field during 1969-2015. On the basis of this analysis, the current state of competitive priorities concept in Operations and Technology Management has been described and suggestions for future research have been developed.en_GB
dc.publisherSt. Petersburg University Graduate School of Managementen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2016;pp. 279-283-
dc.subjectcompetitive prioritiesen_GB
dc.subjectoperations strategyen_GB
dc.subjectliterature reviewen_GB
dc.subjectarticles's analysisen_GB
dc.subjecttechnology managementen_GB
dc.subjectjournals' publicationsen_GB
dc.titleCompetitive Priorities in Operations and Technology Management: Current Status and Future Prospects for Researchen_GB
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