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dc.contributor.authorCherenkov, Vitally I.-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper the author has reviewed in brief advances and obstacles met on the way of the marketing thought to construct the general theory of marketing. The attention, in considerable part, is focused on understanding general theory of marketing in Russia. Based on analysis of the most important works, made by Western scholars in the field of marketing, the conclusions highlighting a huge work as well as its incompleteness is made. The original classification schemes designed by well-known Western marketing scholars are estimated as the approaches to the general theory of marketing only. The hypotheses concerning a need to use a deductive approach supported by positive instruments of Marxist political economy was formulated. The author has made the conclusion the kit of tools for designing the general theory of marketing is to be added by an analytical knowledge extracted from exact sciences. Finally, a holistic model of emphatically-communicative approach to building general theory of marketing, applicable, to the author's opinion, to putting in order partial marketing theories (sub-theories) and arranging well-focused theoretical studies in this field of marketing science.ru
dc.publisherGraduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorking Paper;#10 (E)-2010-
dc.subjectgeneral theory of marketingru
dc.subjectmain categoryru
dc.subjectcost-value approachru
dc.subjectmarket theory evolutionru
dc.subjectmatched marketing filtrationru
dc.subjectmarketing empathy and ecologyru
dc.titleToward the general theory of marketing: The state of the art and one more approachru
dc.typeWorking Paperru
dc.contributor.altauthorЧеренков, В. И.-
Располагается в коллекциях:Working Papers

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