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dc.contributor.authorGabov, Andrey V.-
dc.identifier.citationGabov A. V. On the number of securities of Russian issuers, the placement or circulation of which is expected outside the Russian Federation. Vestnik SPbSU. Law, 2017, vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 265–296.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis article examines the history of development of legal regulation of admission to the placement (circulation) russian securities on foreign stock markets. Such regulation is essential for the development of the securities market in Russia, especially for the purpose of establishing Russia as an international financial centre. The article shows that the systemic regulation of this issue applies only to 1996, when the Federal law “On securities market” was adopted. Since the entry into force of this law have been adopted several bylaws. The provisions of each of these acts are discussed in detail in the article. The article notes the importance of legislative changes in 2013, when the issue of the validity of the previously issued permits was first systemically addressed. The article shows trends in the issue of the regulation of the admission of securities to placement/treatment abroad. Refs 17.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Law;Volume 8; Issue 3-
dc.subjectsecurities marketen_GB
dc.subjectcirculation of securitiesen_GB
dc.subjectplacement of securitiesen_GB
dc.subjectdepositary receiptsen_GB
dc.titleOn the number of securities of Russian issuers, the placement or circulation of which is expected outside the Russian Federationen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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