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dc.contributor.authorSoltitskaya, Tatiana A.-
dc.contributor.authorAndreeva, Tatiana E.-
dc.descriptionThis is a chapter of the book whose final and definitive form has been published in the Human Resources Management in Russia. Eds.: M. E. Domsch, T. Lidokhover. Ashgate Publishing Group, Contemporary Employment Relations series, Hampshire, UK, 2007, pp. 193-208.ru
dc.description.abstractThe article analyses human resources training and development practices in Russia. It discusses some most topical questions and problems that Russian companies face in this field. Training needs and approaches of contemporary Russian companies are structured and analyzed from several perspectives – in relation to types of information culture dominant in the company, to company’s life cycle stage (in L.Greiner model) and to dominant ideas about role of of training and development in company strategy. The article is based on vast experience of authors in training and HRM consulting for Russian companies.ru
dc.publisherGraduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHuman Resources Management in Russia. Eds.: M. E. Domsch, T. Lidokhover. Ashgate Publishing Group, Contemporary Employment Relations series, Hampshire, UK, 2007, pp. 193-208.;-
dc.subjectRussian companiesru
dc.subjecthuman resources managementru
dc.subjecthuman resources trainingru
dc.subjecthuman resources developmentru
dc.subjectcompany’s life cycleru
dc.subjectHRM consultingru
dc.subjectinformation cultureru
dc.subjectpersonnel training policyru
dc.subjectcorporate trainingru
dc.titleTraining and development of personnel in Russian companiesru
dc.contributor.altauthorСолтицкая, Т. А.-
dc.contributor.altauthorАндреева, Т. Е.-
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