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dc.contributor.authorIshmatova, Diana
dc.contributor.authorFedotov, Yuri V.
dc.description.abstractThe main challenges of studying user preferences are related to user uncertainty related to a lack of previous experience with m-Government services. This paper investigates user preferences for potential mobile campus services. It was conducted as a pilot survey with the goal to develop and test a measurement approach for revealing preferences for services that users haven’t yet experienced. The dataset used in this paper is taken from a contingent ranking survey carried out in February 2008, involving purposive sampling of third year university students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. Numerical estimations reflecting the importance of services and content features were derived using ASPID-methodology (Analysis and Synthesis of Parameters under Information Deficiency), the main advantage of which lies in its ability to work accurately with different types of uncertain information on weight-coefficients.ru
dc.publisherGraduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University; Waseda University, Japan
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIGI Publishing: International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA);Vol. 2, Issue 2
dc.subjectasychronous communicationsru
dc.subjectinformation sharingru
dc.subjectuniversity/ community partnershipru
dc.subjectusers needs assessementru
dc.subjectutility of informationru
dc.subjectwireless technologiesru
dc.titleM-government for education: Assessing students’ preferences for mobile campus servicesru
dc.contributor.altauthorИшматова, Д.
dc.contributor.altauthorФедотов, Ю. В.
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