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dc.contributor.authorDemidov, Viktor N.-
dc.contributor.authorSukharzhevsky, Stanislav M.-
dc.contributor.authorPaston, Sofia V.-
dc.contributor.authorZinchenko, Andrey V.-
dc.contributor.authorVedeneeva, Lidya N.-
dc.contributor.authorPakhomova, Tatyana B.-
dc.identifier.citationDemidov V. N., Sukharzhevsky S. M., Paston S V., Zinchenko A. V., Vedeneeva L. N., Pakhomova T. B. Thermoinduced S0 → T-transitions in electron-rich Zn(II) 1,10- phenanthrocyanines, DNA complexones containing dihydro-1,10-phenanthroline cycles related to NADH. Vestnik SPbSU. Physics and Chemistry. 2017, vol. 4 (62), issue 2, pp. 138–145.en_GB
dc.description.abstractManifestation of paramagnetic properties for electron-rich Zn(II) 1,10-phenanthrocyanine: [(phen)2Zn(μ-phencyanine)Zn(phen)2 ](OAc)4 (Zn1), [(phen)2Zn(μ-phencyanine−)Zn(phen)2] (OAc)3 (Zn2), (phen)Zn(μ-phencyanine−)Zn(phen)(OAc)3 (Zn3), (en)Zn(μ-phencyanine−)Zn(en) (OAc)3 (Zn4) and Zn(μ-phencyanine−)Zn(OAc)3 (Zn5) (phen —1,10-phenanthroline, en — ethylenediamine, OAc− — acetate ion, μ-phencyanine and μ-phencyanine−-bridge 1,10-phenanthrocyanines, dihydro-bi-1,10-phenanthrolines), DNA complexones containing related to NADH dihydro- 1,10-phenanthroline cycles were investigated by ESR spectroscopy. Compounds of Zn1–Zn5 are derived using methodologies of metal-mediated nondehydrogenative CH−CH coupling of coordinated 1,10-phenanthroline in ionic melts of respective complexes-precursors. In ESR spectra of derived 1,10-phenanthrocyanines of Zn(II) signals are detected in the values area of g-factor 2.0018–2.0031 with unexpectedly high intensity. Abnormal increase of intensity of ESR line halfwidth with growth of temperature from 77 to 450 K were found. Appearance of paramagnetism for these compounds was correlated with their electron-rich nature and as result of thermoinduced S0 → T-transitions were interpreted that can be associated with structural phase transitions. Refs 21. Figs 1. Tables 1.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Physics and Chemistry;Volume 4 (62); Issue 2-
dc.subjectelectron-rich 1,10-phenanthrocyanine of Zn(II)en_GB
dc.subjectESR spectroscopyen_GB
dc.subjectthermoinduced S0 → T-transitionsen_GB
dc.subjectthermally accessible triplet statesen_GB
dc.titleThermoinduced S0 → T-transitions in electron-rich Zn(II) 1,10- phenanthrocyanines, DNA complexones containing dihydro-1,10-phenanthroline cycles related to NADHen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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