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dc.contributor.authorVeselov, Yury V.-
dc.contributor.authorKarapetyan, Ruben V.-
dc.contributor.authorSinyutin, Mikhail V.-
dc.contributor.authorBhosale, Balkrishna Vithal-
dc.contributor.authorKhanderao, Harish Prasenjeet-
dc.identifier.citationVeselov Yu. V., Karapetyan R. V., Sinyutin M. V ., Bhosale B. V., Khanderao H. P. Analytical model for study of shoemaking in Saint-Petersburg and Mumbai. Vestnik SPbSU. Sociology, 2017, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 23–37.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the development of an analytical model of comparative sociological research of shoemaking crafts in two modern megapolises — Mumbai (India) and Saint-Petersburg (Russia). The model is the basis for further empirical research into artisans (shoemakers) from different social environments. Attention is focused on the similarities and differences between shoe practices of two cities and two cultures. Formation of such a context is due to the theoretical comprehension of everyday practices, their conditions of production in shoemaking facilities in the Russian and Indian megacities, taking into account the specifics of orders, especially the institutional structures and networking among shoemakers. The authors consider that the similarity of shoemaking practices examined, of their social context and of structures, is reflected in the resemblance of the meanings and professional strategies’ in shoemakers’ procedures. Initially a comparative model of social structures of Russia and India is proposed. The mode of capitalist development in both countries is analyzed, and the general and specific tendencies are identified. On that basis, a comparison of the institutional structures between the cities of St. Petersburg and Mumbai is made. The peculiarities of historical development and social role of cities in Russia and in India are pinpointed. The multilevel system of comparing the key social settings of the cities’ institutional environment is provided. Finally, the authors attempt a systematic comparison of social contexts of communicative practices among shoemakers in both cities. Shoemaking practices of two cities are undertaken with different consumer demand and with different cultural attitudes. A significant portion of the shoemaking craft on the streets of both cities is done by newcomers or migrants that use their local ethno-social networks for labour practices. The diversity of technical equipment between shoemakers of St-Petersburg and Mumbai is discovered. An original model is developed that serves as a basis for empirical studies of artisans (shoemakers) in different social environments. Refs 31. Figs 4.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipМатериалы подготовлены в рамках проекта «Институционализация сапожного ремесла в современном городском пространстве: на примере Санкт-Петербурга (Россия) и Мумбаи (Индия)» по гранту Фонда поддержки социальных исследований «Хамовники».en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Sociology;Volume 10; Issue 1-
dc.subjectanalytical modelen_GB
dc.subjectcomparative studyen_GB
dc.titleAnalytical model for study of shoemaking in Saint-Petersburg and Mumbaien_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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