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2015Liquidity, cash conversion cycle and financial performance: case of Russian companiesGaranina, Tatiana A.; Belova, Olga A.
2013The Effect of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption on the Value Relevance of Financial Reporting: A Case of Russia (Book Chapter)Garanina, Tatiana A.; Kormiltseva, Polina S.
2011Intellectual Capital Structure and Value Creation of a Company: Evidence from Russian CompaniesGaranina, Tatiana A.
2014Factors Influencing CEO Compensation in US Telecommunication IndustryGaranina, Tatiana A.; Ladyzhenko, Iuliia
2016Social Capital of Board of Directors and Financial Performance: Evidence from Russian CompaniesKachura, Egor; Garanina, Tatiana A.