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Результаты 11-20 из 72.
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мар-2017Book Review: Phenomenology, History, and Anthropology of Travel in German and English edited by Larissa Polubojarinova, Marion Kobelt-Groch, Olga Kulishkina. Kiel: Solivagus, 2015. 584 p. (Phänomenologie, Geschichte und Anthropologie des Reisens / Hrsg. von Larissa Polubojarinova, Marion Kobelt-Groch, Olga Kulishkina. Kiel: Solivagus, 2015. 584 S.)Andreyushkina, Tatiana N.
мар-2017“We Are Returning to the Poet His House …” (On the Correspondence of V. E. Evgenyev-Maksimov with O. V. Lohman. From the Collection of the Manuscript Department of the Pushkin House (Pushkinsky Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences)Shashkova, Ekaterina V.
июн-2017Interaction of Stereotypes in Communicative Strategies of American Sociopolitical DiscourseTroshchenkova, Ekaterina V.
июн-2017Albanian Dialect(s) of Gorana: Genesis and FunctioningMorozova, Maria S.
июн-2017Topos as Symbolic Memory Space in Autobiographical Prose of M. A. Voloshin and Mythopoetic Tradition of PlatoTitarenko, Svetlana D.
июн-2017The Orthography of the Reduced Vowels in the Sticherarion of the National Library of Russia (Sof.384)Molkov, Georgiy A.
июн-2017What Made Byron Defend Lady Morgan? (A Commentary to the Poet’s Letter to J. Murray (February 20, 1818))Burova, Irina I.; Dudkina, Anastasia I.
июн-2017Use of Intertextuality in Barack Obama’s Public SpeechesRybachuk, Ksenia Yu.
июн-2017Elements of Metafiction in J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”Braun, Vera B.
июн-2017Verbal Aspect in Russian and Polish Legal TextsŁaziński, Marek