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Результаты 11-20 из 36.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2017(Ir-)rationality and Ethical Relativism in Realist and Postpositivist International Relations ParadigmsGudalov, Nikolay N.
июн-2017Ethnosocial aspects in the political history of ZanzibarMoskvitina, Anna Iu.
июн-2017Towards the Question of “Machiavellianism” in N. Danilevsky’s Political EthicsPoliakova, Natalia V.
сен-2017The party system in Russia: multipartidism or bipartidism?Isaev, Boris A.
сен-2017Victimization as gender stereotype in image of political leader: A comparison of images of “victims” of impeachments of 2016–2017 Dilma Rousseff and Park Guen-hyeLanko, Dmitry A.; Lantsova, Irina S.
сен-2017Gender-based social integration of azerbaijani womenNiyazova, Galina Yu.; Niyazov, Niyazi Sabir ogly
сен-2017A political-philosophical conceptualisation of Revolution: J. de Maistre and F. I. TyutchevPoliakova, Natalia V.
сен-2017Women, science, education: the origins of gender studies of international relationsVinogradova, Svetlana M.; Dunaeva, Yuliia G.; Ziatdinov, Damir F.
сен-2017The role of congress in the making of foreign policyVaraksa, Aleksandr N.
сен-2017The role of the salafi party “An-Nur” in modern EgyptAbalian, Anna I.; Magomadov, Abdulla L.