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2012The role of intellectual capital in mergers and acquisitionsGudochkina, Mariya; Гудочкина, М.
2012The Role of Intellectual Capital in Company’s Value Creation: the case of Russian and Foreign CompaniesChistokletov, Maxim; Чистоклетов, М.
2012The Role of Intellectual Capital in the Value-Creation Process: Chains, Shops and NetworksVydrevich, Marianna; Выдревич, М.
2012Influence of intellectual capital disclosure in initial public offering prospectuses on post-issue performance: Evidence of technology companies listed on NASDAQManuilova, Alexandra S.; Мануйлова, А. С.
2012Impact of intellectual capital disclosure practices on volatility of stock returnsRulevskaya, Maria; Рулевская, М.