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Найденные ресурсы:
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2007Benchmarking in infrastructural sectors: Analysis of methodology and application (the case of electricity)Sokolova, Ekaterina V.
2007Coordination mechanisms of relationship management process with partners: Basic approachesKouchtch, Sergei P.; Smirnova, Maria M.
2007Accounting-based valuations and market prices of equity: Case of Russian marketVolkov, Dmitry L.; Berezinets, Irina V.
2007Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia 2006 - Rus.Verkhovskaya, Olga R.; Dermanov, Vassily K.; Dorokhina, Maria V.; Katkalo, Valery S.
2007Evaluation of government portal on the basis of public value conceptGolubeva, Anastasia A.
2007Supply сhain management: Studying the concept in context of strategic management theory and the theory of marketingKrotov, Konstantin V.
2007Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia 2007 - Rus.Verkhovskaya, Olga R.; Dorokhina, Maria V.; Katkalo, Valery S.
2007Очерки истории российских фирм: вопросы собственности, управления, хозяйствованияБарышников, М. Н.; Гессен, В. Ю.; Дмитриев, А. Л.; Китанина, Т. М.; Семенов, А. А.
2007Russian "artel'nost'" - myth or reality? Artel' as an organizational form in the XIX - early XX century Russian economy: Comparative and historical institutional analysisDrozdova, Natalia P.
2007Determination, classification, measuring and valuing of intangibles: Approaches to the problemUdovichenko, Olga M.