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dc.contributor.authorMamedova, Gunel A.-
dc.description.abstractPhase transformation of natural zeolite under hydrothermal treatment is examined in this paper. Based on the data of IR-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, elements analysis methods and electron microscope studies, we have shown that the hydrothermal treatment of the natural zeolite is substantially converted into other important minerals of the zeolite group. One of the most important objectives of the study of zeolite crystallization processes is the creation of materials with predetermined structure and composition. Crystallization of zeolites with the specified composition and structure directly depends on the nature and state of the starting materials. In the construction of a hypothetical zeolite framework with a view to their subsequent synthesis, you must take into account the size of the cations hydration shell, the amount and the possibility of their location in skeletal cavities. Flow conversion processes according to the processing conditions (temperature, time, concentration) and the mineralizer were traced. Chemical modification of natural mordenite is accompanied by the formation of not only individual zeolites but also aluminosilicate minerals, and processing in the presence of the mineralizer is not accompanied by the formation of intermediate phases. The regions of stability of minerals under differing hydrothermal processing regimes was determined, allowing the synthesization of minerals with the desired characteristics. Refs 11. Figs 4. Tables 3.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Series 4. Physics. Chemistry;Vol. 3 (61); Issue 4-
dc.subjecta natural mineralen_GB
dc.subjecthydrothermal processingen_GB
dc.subjectthe directional synthesisen_GB
dc.subjectthe phase transformationen_GB
dc.titleThe investigation of natural mineral of mordenite and chemical modification in the Ca(OH)2 environmenten_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 4

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