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Название: Понятие обоснования самообоснования позитивных наук в фундаментальной онтологии М. Хайдеггера
Другие названия: The Concept of the Grounding of the Self-Grounding of the Positive Sciences in the M. Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology
Авторы: Паткуль, Андрей Борисович
Дата публикации: 16-ноя-2016
Издательство: Интернет-проект «Философская антропология»
Описание: The article deals with the concept of the grounding of the self-grounding of the positive sciences in Heidegger. He believes that the sciences of this kind ground themselves by the introduction of their basic concepts, by which they primarily describe their object domain. Since they do not clarify the exact meaning of these concepts as well as their correspondence to the object domain as it exists, this type of grounding remains still insufficient. But it could be supplied by the philosophical grounding of this self-grounding. One realizes it in the regional ontologies, which is based on the so-called fundamental ontology.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://anthropology.ru/ru/text/patkul-ab/ponyatie-obosnovaniya-samoobosnovaniya-pozitivnyh-nauk-v-fundamentalnoy-ontologii-m
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