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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 12 из 12
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2016The Middle East: From Violence to SecurityDyakov, Nikolay N.
дек-2016Japan MOFA diplomacy methods on the Russian direction during Japan-Russia high-level negotiations in 1997–1998Malashevskaya, Maria N.
дек-2016Ethnic consciousness of Rwandans and their value orientations (according to 2015 polls in Rwanda)Zavyalova, Olga Yu.
дек-2016Experiments in Hausa Literature: an Example of Dan Fulani’s FictionLyakhovich, Anastasia V.
дек-2016Wandering songs in the early Japanese poetry (anthology “Hachidaisho”, 1235)Murakhveri, Anastasia O.
дек-2016Muhammad-Amin (Khazakhilav) ar-Ruchi. The study of the biography of Dagestan medieval scientistKhapizov, Shakhban M.
дек-2016Mustafa Ali’s “Description of Cairo” as a source on the history of Egypt in the end of the XVIth centuryRyzhenkova, Tamara A.
дек-2016Egyptian trace in tropologion of Jerusalem SIN. GR.ΝΕ/ΜΓ 56+5Nikiforova, Alexandra Yu.
дек-2016The motive and the beginning of the 1916 uprising in SemirechyeMadzhun, Djamilya S.
дек-2016Tarikh by Khalifa Ibn Khayyat as a source for Dagestan history in the 7th–8th centuryGizbulaev, Magomed A.
дек-2016Сomparative analysis of morphemic and submorhemic neutralizations in Bantu pronominal paradigms (what they are for, and what they say about the language change)Zheltov, Alexander Yu.
дек-2016Connotative meanings of numerals in the inner form of phrases: a case study of Russian and Chinese numerals один, первый and 一 yīChu, Tzu-сhien
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 12 из 12