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сен-2017Situation in the Department of State Securities Production in Irkutsk in the Beginning of 1920sPetin, D. I.
июн-2018General-Major A. M. Pospeev: Pages of Official ActivityPetin, D. I.
дек-2018“Say Everyone That My Journey is Very Dangerous…”: Letters of General A. N. Grishin-Almazov to his Wife (Autumn 1918)’Puchenkov, A. S.; Sushko, A. V.; Petin, D. I.
июн-2019With Adventure Through Life: Maria Alexandrovna Grishina-Almazova (Mikhailova)Petin, D. I.
дек-2019Friedrich Andreevich Zemit — the Organizer of the Soviet Financial SystemPetin, D. I.
июн-2020Alexander Karaulov (1868–1920), Head of the Agency of the Russian Government of Admiral Kolchak: Reconstructing a BiographyBaksht, D. A.; Petin, D. I.
мар-2021The Brief Report on the Activities of the Siberian State Papers Manufactory, October 1, 1918 to August 31, 1919Bogdanov, A. A.; Petin, D. I.
сен-2021“The Transfer of Power to Soviet Organizations Brings Forward, First of All, Radical Changes in the Field of Financial Policy”: The Project of the Organization of the Commissariat of Finance in 1920 in IrkutskPetin, D. I.
мар-2023The Head of the Сoncentration Сamps in White Omsk Pavel Nikolaevich Velizhanin (1859–1942)Petin, D. I.
мар-2024Russian Revolution: Word and Deed [Review on: Words and conflicts: The language of confrontation and the escalation of the Civil War in Russia. St. Petersburg: EUSP Press, 2022. 328 p. (The Age of Wars and Revolutions; num. 16)]Stelmak, M. M.; Petin, D. I.