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dc.contributor.authorPoletaev, A.B.-
dc.contributor.authorChurilov, L.P.-
dc.identifier.citationAnosia 2010; 6, t: 11 - tBen_GB
dc.description.abstractPathological processes in any organ usually lead to activation of apoptosis of specialized cells and rise of extracellular concentration of specific antigens. These events usually take the role of trigger for secondary rise of production of autoantibodies with appropriate specificity. These kinds of autoimmune reactions are sanogenic in ~ssence, aiming to augmentation of effectiveness of clearance of affected organs. Much more rarely, the primary rise of autoantibody production (not related to real needs of organism and not associated to pre-existing disease of organ or tissue) can be detected. Such situations are pathogenic and may be accompanied by dinical consequences. The rates of physiologic. adaptive (secondary) autoimmune reactions to pathogenic (primary) autoirmune reactions may be evaluated at least as 9 to I. Secondary quantitative changes in autoantibody production (specific for any pathology) should be considered as a universal marker for virtually all chronic diseases and may be detected months or years before the appearance of dinical signs of disease. Therefore analysis of quantitative changes in the serum content of natural autoantibodies may become an effective instrument for early pre-clinical and even pre-nosologic detection of pathological processes with diffe et 1t organic location and cellular targeting. Future investigations in this field may result in revision of the main paradigm of medicine (DISEASE- TREATMENT). and transition to the new one (prognosis - prevention).en_GB
dc.publisherQuaterly edition of the Hellenic Society of Immunologyen_GB
dc.subjectregulatory autoantibodiesen_GB
dc.subjectphysiologic autoimmunityen_GB
dc.titlelmmunophysiology, natural autoimmunity and human healthen_GB
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