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dc.contributor.authorNedyalkova, Plamena Georgieva-
dc.contributor.authorYolova, Galina Ognqnova-
dc.contributor.authorAdreeva, Andriyana-
dc.contributor.authorDimitrova, Darina Nedelcheva-
dc.contributor.authorBlagoycheva, Hristina Vilhelm-
dc.contributor.authorBogdanov, Hristosko-
dc.identifier.citationYolova, G. O., Andreeva, A., Dimitrova, D. N., Blagoycheva, H. V., Nedyalkova, P., & Bogdanov, H. (2023). Legal and Economic Aspects of State Control Over Compliance With Labor Legislation. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-9067-9en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe conducted interdisciplinary study of the state control of compliance with labour legislation is aimed at realizing the goal set by the authors, which is achieved through the complex application of legal and economic methods. Doctrinally and theoretically, the authors have analyzed the control mechanisms for compliance with labor legislation, examining them through the prism of normative systematics and in the aspect of their economic effects on traditional and alternative forms of employment. The conclusions and recommendations that are drawn in the individual parts of the work are in response to the specific research tasks. Here they are summarized and will be presented in the two main axes of the study, namely legal and economic aspects of the issues. As a result of the first axis, around which the research was conducted, namely the legal aspects of state control, the set objective for the analysis of the national legislation on the control of compliance with labour rights, as well as for the examination of the new actual moments in the legal regulation on the transposition of European norms in the field of control of compliance with labour legislation in Bulgaria is realized. The historical part of the study traces the genesis in the development of the legal institut of control in Bulgarian labour law, as the periodization corresponds to the historical stages from the liberation of the country to the present day. This chronological order shows not only the dependence of control on social relations, but also traces its place and role in protecting labour rights during the different stages.en_GB
dc.publisherIGI Globalen_GB
dc.titleLegal and Economic Aspects of State Control Over Compliance With Labor Legislationen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Monographs

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