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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2024The “musicality” of modern prose: Towards the genesis and typology of forms (part 2)Kotelevskaya, Vera V.
мар-2024Kasyan Agapov, Chisel and Olesha on the pages of “Gudok” (1922–1924): On the question of the function of a pseudonymGuskov, Nikolai A.
мар-2024Fear, disgust, laughter. Forms of grotesque in D. Wong’s novelVasilev, Mikhail F.
мар-2024The impact of communicative parameters on the speaker’s spatial orientation in virtual realityBelousov, Konstantin I.; Taleski, Aleksandar; Ryabinin, Konstantin V.; Boronnikova, Natalia V.
мар-2024Cognitive-pragmatic aspects of epistemic responsibility attributionChepurnaya, Alena I.
мар-2024G. A. Dzagurov and the Japhetic theory of academician N. Ya. Marr: Commented re-edition of the textTomelleri, Vittorio Springfield
мар-2024Synaesthetic metaphors in the description of fragrance properties in perfumery discourse (on the material of the modern Spanish language)Merzlikina, Olga V.
мар-2024Emotive units in the cinematic discourse from the position of linguistic creativity (the case study of films in English, Russian and Chinese)Zykova, Irina V.; Krasikova, Elizaveta A.
мар-2024On the history of Russian argotism “chuvikha”Fufaeva, Irina V.
мар-2024About the language of the “Military regulations of the field infantry service” of Paul ISadova, Tatiana S.
мар-2024Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Old Testament in the last will of a service nobleman: To the problem of literary parallelsPreobrazhenskaya, Anastasia A.
мар-2024The problem of reflecting the variability of a word in a dialect dictionary (on the material of the “Pskov Regional Dictionary with Historical Data”)Vasilyeva, Olga V.
мар-2024Doubling matter (notes on architectural motifs in the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev)Nepomniashchii, Igor B.
мар-2024The artifact reading experience: “Pushkin notebook” by Alexei RemizovObatnina, Elena R.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14