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dc.description.abstractThe Book contains abstracts of the theses of the LII Ludmila Verbitskaya International Scientific Philological Conference, which took place on March 19–26, 2024, at St. Petersburg State University. The Book of Abstracts presents the results of theoretical and applied research on a wide range of topical problems in philology, divided according to the areas of research “History of Literature”, “Classical Philology, Biblical Studies, Neohellenic Studies, and Balkan Studies”, “Cultural Anthropology and Theoretical Aspects of Humanitarian Research”, “Interdisciplinary Studies”, “Russian language”, “Russian as a foreign language and the methodology of teaching”, “General Linguistics”, “Romano-Germanic Philology”, “Slavistics”, “Fedorovsky Readings”, “Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Education. Testology”. The Book of Abstracts is to refer to philologists, linguists, literary scholars, culture scientists, translators, teachers, students and graduate students of philological majors, as well as for scientific, educational and teaching work.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.titleLII Ludmila Verbitskaya International Scientific Philological Conference, March 19–26, 2024, St. Petersburg: The Book of Abstracts.en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Conference Proceedings

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