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dc.contributor.authorStrelkov, Petr-
dc.descriptionIndividual data for Clupea herring from the Rossfjordvatn herring survey. Microsatellite genotypes and allozyme genotypes are given in GenAlEx format.en_GB
dc.description.abstractIndividual data for Clupea herring from the Rossfjordvatn herring survey. Microsatellite genotypes, allozyme genotypes, NCBI mtDNA cyt-b numbers and number of vertebrae of the surveyed fish are provided on different sheets of the Exel file. Samples included: CP (Chesha Bay, Yarnei River, at spawning grounds, 67.780000 N, 45.990000 E, June 2010); WS (White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay, Keret archipelago, 66.283333 N, 33.600000 E, June 2015); BF (Balsfjord, at spawning grounds, 69.270000 N, 19.280000 E, 07.04.2010); RF (Rossfjordvatn, October 2014); TF (Trondheimsfjord, Beitstadfjord, at spawning grounds, 63.972700 N, 11.303600 E, 04.04.2016); NO (Norwegian Sea, Kvænangen, 70.102500 N, 21.183333 E, 18.01.2019).en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant Number 19-74-20024en_GB
dc.subjectNumber of vertebraeen_GB
dc.subjectcyt-b mtDNA NCBI numbersen_GB
dc.titleIndividual data for Clupea herring from the Rossfjordvatn herring surveyen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Other Items

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Individual data for Clupea herring from the Rossfjordvatn herring survey_online.xlsx31,62 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLПросмотреть/Открыть

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