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dc.contributor.authorPenkova, Yana A.-
dc.identifier.citationPenkova Ya. A. Inchoative verbs in constructions with infinitives in 16th‒17th century Russian sources: Searching for the difference. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 2023, 20 (4): 739–767. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu09.2023.405 (In Russian)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on the study of differences between phase verbs in constructions with infinitive clause in the 16th‒17th century Russian writing. The verbs under discussion are: načati, počati, jati, učati, and stati, as well as the verb byti, which does not belong to phase ones, but competes with them in the simple future tense form. The study is limited to the constructions with auxiliary verbs in the perfective present tense form, i. e., those that refer to the future. The data was collected from the Middle Russian subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus. Contexts from the corpus are classified according to the following parameters: auxiliariness, infinitive, agency/non-agency and telicity/atelicity/punctivity of the predicate in the infinitive form, aspectual semantics of the construction (phasal, iterative, habitual, general factual, durative-continuative meanings), the type of the clause in question, the date and the title of the source, its register and genre. It was found that each periphrastic construction has a unique set of properties associated with the paradigmatic limitations of the auxiliary verb, tendency to occur in a certain clause type, register and genre. The constructions are sensitive to various semantic features of infinitive and aspectual semantics of the context. It is argued that constructions with the verb učnu are less associated with the expression of inchoativity since they are attested in the contexts uncommon for inchoative verbs. Two distinct clusters of periphrastic constructions are distinguished: older constructions with the verbs načnu, počnu and imu and newer ones with the verbs učnu, stanu and budu.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe study was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 20–18–00206 “Distributive- quantitative analysis of semantic changes based on large diachronic corpora”.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Language and Literature;Volume 20; Issue 4-
dc.subjectphasal verbsen_GB
dc.subjectaspectual semanticsen_GB
dc.subjectfuture tenseen_GB
dc.subjectperiphrastic constructionsen_GB
dc.subjecthistory of Russian languageen_GB
dc.titleInchoative verbs in constructions with infinitives in 16th‒17th century Russian sources: Searching for the differenceen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 4

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