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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 26
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Ethical and moral aspect in the discussion about gender correctness in German languageSlinina, Liudmila Ia.
2023Semantic-pragmatic category of politeness in the discourse practice of interview media textsTayupova, Olga I.
2023Means of verbalization of the category of politeness in the German-language media discoursePalekhova, Olga W.
2023Hedging in deontic statements (on the material of German and Russian languages)Sytko, Anna W.
2023The element of meta-communicative strategy of tactfulness in the German prepositional group aus HöflichkeitManerova, Kristina V.
2023(Im)politeness in Bavarian dialects (based on South German political discourse material)Ponomareva, Anastasiya A.
2023Communicative-speech realization of the category of politeness in modern German political discourseTsutsieva, Mariia G.
2023To the question about the pragmatics of polite discord with a communication partner (based on the German language)Filippov, Konstantin A.
2023Metalinguistic aspects of polite communication between author and reader (based on 18th-century German art history texts)Iashkova, Anna V.
2023Politeness as a basis of communicative behaviour (based on German-Russian and Russian-German phrasebooks of the 18th and 19th centuries)Sokoljuk, Maria A.
2023Speech formula of etiquette in the carnival plays of Hans Sachs and their translation into RussianNifontova, Daria E.
2023Politeness as a regulator of communicative behaviour of Germans in the 18th centuryBirr-Tsurkan, Lilia F.
2023Speech culture: Strategies for speech regulation and maneuvering in the history of the German languageBaeva, Galina A.
2023Politeness as a way to encourage conversationDmitrieva, Maria N.
2023Rendering means of expressing politeness in the translation of N. V. Gogol’s poem Dead Souls into GermanMelgunova, Anna V.
2023The category of politeness in the process of modelling of a literary text’s cultural spaceGorbatovsky, Alexandr S.; Oleynik, Marina A.
2023Terms of endearment in German and the aspects of their lexicographic description within the framework of the linguoculturological approachNikitina, Olga A.; Gudkova, Olga A.
2023Lexical and grammatical features of corporate Сhristmas and New Year’s greetings in German and Russian culturesZhiliuk, Sergei A.
2023National and cultural features of the speech act congratulations in the modern German language (compared to Russian)Burenkova, Svetlana V.
2023Category of politeness in Russian and German business correspondenceGrigorieva, Liubov N.; Jesan, Irina J.; Kovtunova, Elena A.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 26