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dc.contributor.authorBenatti, Francesca-
dc.identifier.citationBenatti, Francesca. 2023. Evolution of property in Cuba in a comparative perspective. Pravovedenie 67 (3): 284–304. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu25.2023.303en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe essay examines the evolution of property in Cuba. It focuses in particular on the reforms that led to the recognition of private property in the 2019 Constitution and the first embryonic openings to the market. The different theories on the emergence of real rights and privatisation are then considered, with a comparison between the rapid and gradual privatisation models. The latter embodied by China and Vietnam, whose experience are analysed, seems to have achieved good results. China since Deng’s reforms has opened up to the market and the slow recognition of real rights was enshrined in the 2007 law. The balance achieved is taken up in the 2021 code. The new phase, announced by Xi Jinping, is inspired by the idea of common prosperity. Vietnam with its Doi Moi policy followed a similar path and the difficult balance between the different visions was enshrined in the Constitution. It should be noted that socialist countries are trying, although not without contradictions, to discover their own model capable of guaranteeing individual protections and freedoms together with the development and improvement of quality of life. In this journey, the fundamental and indispensable establishment of property, contract, and enterprise must be balanced with the principles of equality and social justice that are or should be the foundation of their own experience.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPravovedenie;Volume 67; Issue 3-
dc.subjectproperty rightsen_GB
dc.subjectcomparative lawen_GB
dc.titleEvolution of property in Cuba in a comparative perspectiveen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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