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dc.contributor.authorBuckley, Michael-
dc.identifier.citationBuckley M. Liberal democracy and the search for political stability. Philosophy of the History of Philosophy, 2022, vol. 3, рр. 306–326. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu34.2022.120en_GB
dc.description.abstractLiberal political philosophers are beginning to seriously consider the prospects of democratic instability alongside the question of justice. This chapter explores how a recent development in liberal political theory, political liberalism, frames the problem of social stability. Political liberals think reasonable pluralism is the natural outcome of free and open democratic institutions. The permanent existence of diverse yet reasonable moral and religious comprehensive doctrines create theoretical and practical problems for liberalism. A theoretically coherent liberalism must find normative reasons all can endorse even though everyone grounds their reasons on radically different conceptions of the moral good. A practically stable liberalism must show how a society whose members tend naturally toward moral division can nonetheless share the same normative political conception of justice. Solving both problems in ways consistent with liberal political values is difficult because the permanent existence of reasonable pluralism creates two formulations of the problem of stability. This chapter characterizes the two problems in terms of a positive and negative formulations. It traces the progress political liberals make toward resolving the positive formulation. It also explains how the solution to the positive formulation of the problem of liberal stability simultaneously provides a solution to the theoretical problem of liberal coherency. However, the chapter also argues that the negative formulation of the problem of liberal stability remains unresolved. A key task for liberal theorists in the twenty-first century is resolving the negative formulation of the problem of stability, for without a solution, the ‘rule of law’ remains vulnerable to attacks from those willing to use the ‘will of the people’ against it.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPhilosophy of the History of Philosophy;Volume 3-
dc.subjectpolitical liberalismen_GB
dc.subjectdemocratic backslidingen_GB
dc.subjectoverlapping consensusen_GB
dc.subjectJohn Rawlsen_GB
dc.subjectMartha Nussbaumen_GB
dc.titleLiberal democracy and the search for political stabilityen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Volume 3 (2022)

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