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Результаты 1-10 из 67.
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мар-2023Collective Portrait of Deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and Union Republics in 1938–1989Mironov, B. N.
мар-2023Famine in the Kazak ASSR in the 1930s: A Historiographical DriftKornilov, G. E.
мар-2023The Amur Expedition and the Committee for the Settlement of the Far East in the Agenda of the Russian Council of Ministers under P. A. StolypinYanchenko, D. G.
мар-2023The Forgotten Soviet Geographer and Famous Writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Mikhailov (1905–1982). Experience of Internet Search and Bio-bibliographic AnalysisMoskovkin, V. M.
мар-2023Soviet Experience in Managing Evacuation Cargoes in 1941–1942: From Over-centralization to Local InitiativePotemkina, M. N.
мар-2023The Head of the Сoncentration Сamps in White Omsk Pavel Nikolaevich Velizhanin (1859–1942)Petin, D. I.
мар-2023The Jewish Question in Polish-Soviet Relations in the First Half of the 20th Century (Based on the Materials of the Plenipotentiary Mission of the USSR in Warsaw)Sklyarov, S. A.
мар-2023Svalbard in the Strategy of the Great Powers During the Second World War (1939– 1945)Suprun, M. N.
мар-2023The “Space” Ideologeme in the Soviet Visual Propaganda of 1957–1965Fedosov, E. A.
мар-2023Departmental Resettlements of Special Settlers during the Great Patriotic War: Mechanism of Realization and Significance (Based on the Materials of North-Western Siberia)Ivanov, A. S.; Mikhalev, N. A.