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dc.contributor.authorEzhova, Elena N.-
dc.identifier.citationEzhova E. N. (2023). Artifacts of culture in polycode advertising text: Types of quotation. Media Linguistics, 10 (2), 179–208. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu22.2023.203 (In Russian)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the problem of using cultural artifacts — material or mental objects created by man, functioning in various areas of the cultural-semantic field- in the structure of a polycode advertising text. The research methodology is based on a structural-semiotic approach and functional analysis. The paper considers various approaches to the definition of the concept of artifact; the typology of cultural artifacts used in advertising is determined. Based on the dichotomy of artistic and non-artistic ways of human exploration of the world, the following types of artifacts are distinguished in the structure of creolized media and advertising discourse: artifacts of spatial art (fine arts, architecture, decorative and applied arts); artifacts of temporary art (literature, folklore and musical); artifacts of spatio-temporal syncretic art (theatrical, choreographic, cinematographic, comics, actually advertising, etc.); extra-artistic artifacts (artifacts of history, fashion, politics, mass media, visual and verbal memes, etc.). We can define the mechanism for including artifacts in the fabric of media and advertising text as quoting texts of a previous culture that can manifest themselves at various levels of depth of the semantic structure of advertising. In this sense, citation is understood as broadly as possible, as the actualization in the text structures of the content elements of past texts or formal ones. The types of artifactual citation are determined by us on the basis of the modality parameter: mono modal citation (citation in the advertising text of the text of the same medial rank); polymodal citation (citation in the text of an advertisement of a text of a different medial rank); auto-citation (quoting texts of previous advertisements in advertising); meta citation (citation in advertising of expressions containing a reflection on the advertisement itself).en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedia Linguistics;Volume 10; Issue 2-
dc.subjectpolycode advertising texten_GB
dc.titleArtifacts of culture in polycode advertising text: Types of quotationen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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