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dc.description.abstractThe collection of articles The Synergy of Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Studies is a peerreviewed scholarly publication. The collection includes papers from Russia, Belorussia, Vietnam and Japan. The collection reflects the position of modern linguists on the development of traditional problems of language and cross-cultural communication, the role of translation in the context of globalization, extensive information exchange, and the interaction of languages and cultures. The collection may also attract the attention of researchers in intercultural communication, language methodology, particularly the methods of teaching foreign languages for special purposes, and of a wider audience interested in modern trends in these areas.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.titleSynergy of Languages & Cultures 2022: Interdiscipilinary Studiesen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Synergy of Languages & Cultures 2022: Interdiscipilinary Studies

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