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Результаты 1-10 из 16.
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мар-2023The verdict to N. Sarkozy: Corruption in public sector and corporate corruption in the eyes of societyShashkova, Anna V.; Kudryashova, Ekaterina V.; Verlaine, Michel
мар-2023Murder in war as an ethical problemChernyak, Alexey Z.; Ivleva, Marina L.
мар-2023The notion of sociocode in the conception by M. K. PetrovMuradyan, Olesya A.
мар-2023German experience of migrants integrationBakhturidze, Zeinab Z.; Pogodin, Sergey N.; Smolskaia, Natalia B.
мар-2023Digital sovereignty and political and administrative regimesKulakova, Tat’jana A.; Volkova, Anna V.
мар-2023Existential sense of trustBiricheva, Ekaterina V.
мар-2023Chinese theories of “mud” music and poetryKravtsova, Marina Ye.
мар-2023Leo Tolstoy’s Christian anarchism: Towards a political theologyKlimova, Svetlana M.
мар-2023J. H. Newman’s path from Anglicanism to Catholicism: The most important historiographical assessmentsStetckevich, Mikhail S.
мар-2023Moral metaphysics as philosophy of culture in Tu Weiming’s Boston СonfucianismSukhomlinova, Victoria V.