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dc.contributor.authorDukhnovsky, Sergey Anatolievich-
dc.description.abstractIn this article, we investigate the kinetic McKean model. The perturbed solution of the Cauchy problem is sought in the form of Fourier series. The Fourier coefficients for the zero and nonzero modes are written out, respectively. The original system is reduced to an infinite system of differential equations. An approximation for the systems is constructed. Under certain assumptions, we find secular terms (non-integrable part). This, in turn, will allow us to prove for the first time the exponential stabilization of the solution in the future.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDifferential Equations and Control Processes;Issue 1-
dc.subjectkinetic modelen_GB
dc.subjectFourier seriesen_GB
dc.subjectKnudsen parameteren_GB
dc.subjectsecular termsen_GB
dc.titleSecular Terms for the Kinetic Mckean Modelen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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