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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 18 из 18
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2023In memoriam of Igor Karlovich Daugavet (1932-2022)-
мар-2023In memoriam of Leonid Leonidovich Sokolov (1952-2022)-
мар-2023On anniversary of Viktor Georgievich Osmolovskii-
мар-2023On anniversary of Sergey Yuryevich Pilyugin-
мар-2023Zero velocity surface in the general three-body-problemTitov, Vladimir B.
мар-2023Isosceles tetrahedron and an equimomental system of a rigid bodyNikonova, Ekaterina A.
мар-2023Impact of a rigid sphere on an infinite viscoelastic Kirchhoff-Love plate considering volume and shear relaxationsShitikova, Marina V.
мар-2023Optimization of oscillation damping modes of spatial double pendulum. II. Solving the problem and analyzing the resultsSmirnov, Aleksey S.; Smolnikov, Boris A.
мар-2023Natural vibrations of a cylindrical shell with the end cap. I. Asymptotic analysisFilippov, Sergei B.; Smirnov, Andrei L.; Nesterchuk, Grigory A.
мар-2023On ellipticity of static equations of strain gradient elasticity and infinitesimal stabilityEremeyev, Victor А.
мар-2023Discontinuous mappings and the limit load in boundary value problems of nonlinear elasticityBrigadnov, Igor A.
мар-2023Location of zeros of lacunary-type polynomialsWani, Irfan Ahmad; Mir, Mohammad Ibrahim; Nazir, Ishfaq
мар-2022Approximation by polynomials composed of Weierstrass doubly periodic functionsSintsova, Ksenia А.; Shirokov, Nikolay A.
мар-2023Remark on the precision of recurrent forecast in singular spectrum analysisNekrutkin, Vladimir V.
мар-2023On the properties of some inversion methods of the Laplace transformLebedeva, Anastasia V.; Ryabov, Victor M.
мар-2023Fourier transform method for partial differential equations. Part 2. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy problem for linear equationsGishlarkaev, Vakha I.
мар-2022On some probability distributions, related to the classical Bernoulli scheme. IIAnanjevskii, Sergey M.; Nevzorov, Valery B.
мар-2023On extension of the family of projections to positive operator-valued measureAlekseev, Anton O.; Amosov, Grigori G.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 18 из 18