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dc.contributor.authorBauer, Svetlana M.-
dc.contributor.authorVenatovskaya, Ludmila A.-
dc.contributor.authorVoronkova, Eva B.-
dc.contributor.authorSmirnov, Andrei L.-
dc.identifier.citationBauer S.M., Venatovskaya L.A., Voronkova E. B., Smirnov A. L. Three-dimensional problem of axisymmetric deformations of the orthotropic spherical layer. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Series 1. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy, 2016, vol. 3 (61), issue 3, pp. 449–456.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe 3D problem of deformation of the elastic orthotropic spherical layer under normal pressure applied on the outer and inner surfaces is analyzed. The asymptotic solutions of the first approximation are obtained for a slightly orthotropic layer, i. e. for which the values of elastic moduli in meridional and circumferential directions are close. The obtained solutions are used in analysis of the scleral shell under intraocular pressure and may also be used in solution of the inverse problem, i. e. in analysis of the stress-strain state of a human eye under injection. The influence of elastic modulus in meridional and circumferential directions on the change of the relative layer thickness under normal pressure and length change of the anteroposterior axis of the eye due to an increase in intraocular pressure is studied. Refs 9. Figs 3.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipРабота выполнена при частичной поддержке РФФИ (гранты №16- 01-00580 A и №15- 01-06311 A) и с использованием оборудования ресурсного центра Научного парка СПбГУ «Обсерватория экологической безопасности».en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Series 1. Mathematics. Mechanics. Astronomy;Vol. 3 (61); Issue 3-
dc.subjectspherical layeren_GB
dc.subjectLame problemen_GB
dc.titleThree-dimensional problem of axisymmetric deformations of the orthotropic spherical layeren_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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