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dc.contributor.authorSchmidt, Gleb-
dc.identifier.citationSchmidt G. The Monks of Saint-Thierry in a Property Dispute with the Archbishop of Reims. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 2022, vol. 67, issue 4, рp. 1134–1159. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu02.2022.407en_GB
dc.description.abstractOn the wave of religious enthusiasm and monastic reform under Cluny’s influence, monasteries focused their particular attention on the memory of the institution. Collective memory recorded and structured interactions of the brethren with the society, preserving the names of benefactors, patrons, and other emblematic figures. It helped communities shape their identities, demarcating their monastic networks and protecting and reclaiming their property from any exterior intervention or usurpation. This article considers three documents that have almost entirely escaped scholarly attention. This small dossier is a significant of example of how the brethren of Saint-Thierry in Reims disputed their property rights to the small demesne of Villers-Franqueux against powerful, local noblement and the Archbishops of Reims in the third quarter of the 11th century. Engaged in this property dispute, the community deployed different legal measures and appealed to exterior royal authority. The monks did not hesitate to forge the material and mention an influential person of the moment, Queen Anna, who ruled as regent around that time, in order to solidify their position. This manifold and detailed ‘protective narrative’ constructed by the monks of Saint-Thierry was also supplemented by hagiographical texts intended to provide the community’s claims to Villers-Franqueux with a sacred, transcendent legitimacy, which had to present the deeds of the monastery’s adversaries as not only illegal but also as going against God’s will. All of this, as the subsequent history of Saint-Thierry suggests, allowed the community to overcome in the struggle and retain Villers- Franqueux, which became one of the core elements of its demesne.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe research was carried out in 2020–2021 within the framework of the project “The Courts of Russian princesses in Old Rus’ and Western Europe in the System of Power Structures in Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (11th–16th centuries)” (St Petersburg State University) supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 19-18-00247.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. History;Volume 67; Issue 4-
dc.subjectcommunity’s identityen_GB
dc.subjectcartularized hagiographyen_GB
dc.subjectarchbishop of Reimsen_GB
dc.subjectHenry I of Franceen_GB
dc.subjectAnna Yaroslavnaen_GB
dc.titleThe Monks of Saint-Thierry in a Property Dispute with the Archbishop of Reimsen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 4

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