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dc.contributor.authorEgorova, Tatiana I.-
dc.identifier.citationEgorova, Tatiana I. 2022. “Ensuring ideological security in places of deprivation of liberty”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law 3: 617–628. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu14.2022.303 (In Russian)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis article analyzes law enforcement and law-making aspects of the security of convicts serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. Main attention is paid to issues of preserving traditional spiritual and moral values in the process of punishment, and achieving correction of convicts in terms of forming respect for the rules and traditions of human community. The importance of recognizing human dignity for determining the directions of development of the rule of law and the formation of law-abiding behavior of convicts is noted. The problems of the influence of criminal ideology on the process of serving a sentence, and the acceptance of Nazi paraphernalia and symbols, are analyzed in particular. Based on the study of trends in law enforcement and legal interpretation, an assessment of the validity of the introduction of criminal liability for public justification or propaganda of extremism was carried out. A discursive analysis of the spread of criminal extremist ideology in places of detention reflects two main dangers: the unspoken stratification and caste system among convicts is aggravated, which is often difficult to overcome in the process of re-socialization;, and secular culture absorbs criminal traditions almost unhindered, taking and “being infected” with markers of prison subcultures. The expansion of criminal responsibility in the sphere of countering the spread of the ideology of extremism associated with threats to state and public security, human life and health, public order and the well-being of citizens is seen as a promising direction of the legislative process.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Law;Volume 13; Issue 3-
dc.subjecthuman dignityen_GB
dc.subjectjudicial practiceen_GB
dc.titleEnsuring ideological security in places of deprivation of libertyen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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