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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 16 из 16
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2022Modern humanities on the legal activities of Anatoly Fedorovich KoniKodintsev, Alexander Ya.; Rybin, Danil V.
сен-2022Legal behavior under the technological paradigm change and modern social transformationsPashentsev, Dmitrii A.
сен-2022Contaminated product and lifting a mandatory provisional suspension: Is there a new standard of proof in case of the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules?Vasilyev, Ilia A.
сен-2022Fulfillment of inquiry on extradition of persons for solving criminal case of execution of sentence on the example of post-Soviet countriesAbdullozoda, Parviz S.
сен-2022Legalization of marijuana use in comparative criminal legislationSlavković, Vukan
сен-2022The legal and organizational basis of ensuring safety of sports activities in HungaryRakhmanova, Ekaterina N.; Tihanyi, Miklós; Szabolcs, Mátyás
сен-2022The precautionary measures clauses in indemnity insurance contractKratenko, Maxim V.; Luik, Olavi-Juri
сен-2022Private pensions funds in North Macedonia and RussiaAmpovska, Marija; Kilinkarova, Elena V.; Misheva, Kristina; Nogaylieva, Fatima K.; Polenchuk, Maria D.
сен-2022First judgment of the Special Tribunal for LebanonMarusin, Igor S.
сен-2022On the question of the state succession legalityGarkusha-Bozhko, Sergei Yu.
сен-2022International cooperation in the fight against cyberpression in the context of response to new challenges and threatsKlevtsov, Kirill K.
сен-2022Criminal law regulation of countering cybercrime in China: State, trends and shortcomingsWang, Guanglong
сен-2022Implication and development of the legal system of the pilot free trade zones with Chinese characteristicsLiu, Xiaohong; Zhang, Zhengyi; Gong, Nan
сен-2022Ensuring ideological security in places of deprivation of libertyEgorova, Tatiana I.
сен-2022Transforming the prohibition of torture in the context of rising terrorist threatsRomanovsky, Georgy B.; Romanovsky, Vladislav G.
сен-2022Crisis and palingenesis (rebirth) of criminal law in the context of digitalizationRusskevich, Evgeniy А.; Dmitrenko, Аndrey P.; Kadnikov, Nikolay G.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 16 из 16