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Результаты 11-20 из 20.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2022The First Russian Interpreters in Early Modern SwedenTolstikov, Alexander V.; Rybakov, Vladimir V.
сен-2022Autographs of the Stolniks Melnitskii in the Ancient Storage of the Pushkin HouseMarkelov, Gleb V.; Semiachko, Svetlana A.
сен-2022Eurasianism from the Point of View of Erengen Khara-DavanBystryukov, Vladimir Yu.
сен-2022Beringia and the Settlement of the Western HemisphereHoffecker, John F.; Pitulko, Vladimir V.; Pavlova, Elena Y.
сен-2022The Beginning of British Post-war Belarusian StudiesKodin, Evgenii V.
сен-2022The Emergence of Habsburgs in Early Works of Joseph von HormayrRagozin, German S.
сен-2022Censorship and the Potential Texts in Poland during the Late Communist PeriodGardocki, Wiktor
сен-2022Discourse of Loyalty, Subjecthood and Citizenship: from Medieval to Modern PracticesRadulović, Milica
сен-2022Medical Geography and Civil Society in the Russian EmpireMartin, Alexander M.
сен-2022Informal Ties in Party-State Bureaucracy of YugoslaviaShakhin, Yurii V.