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dc.contributor.authorMarchenko, J-
dc.contributor.authorKhaitov, V-
dc.contributor.authorKatolikova, M-
dc.contributor.authorSabirov, M-
dc.contributor.authorMalavenda, S-
dc.contributor.authorGantsevich, M-
dc.contributor.authorBasova, L-
dc.contributor.authorGenelt-Yanovsky, E-
dc.contributor.authorStrelkov, P-
dc.description.abstractInformation on quantitative samples of Tyuva mussels used in the study "Taxonomically mixed blue mussel Mytilus populations are spatially heterogeneous and temporally unstable in the subarctic Barents Sea" is given in the file Tyuva mussels_raw data_summary table.xls. Individual data on genotype, age, and morphotype of genotyped mussels from Tyuva used in the study "Taxonomically mixed blue mussel Mytilus populations are spatially heterogeneous and temporally unstable in the subarctic Barents Sea" is given in the file Tyuva mussels_raw data_Ptros by PT.xlsen_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was supported by Russian Science Foundation, Grant Number 19-74-20024en_GB
dc.titleTaxonomically mixed blue mussel Mytilus populations are spatially heterogeneous and temporally unstable in the subarctic Barents Seaen_GB
dc.title.alternativeIndividual data on genotype, age, and morphotype of genotyped mussels from Tyuvaen_GB
dc.title.alternativeInformation on quantitative samples of Tyuva musselsen_GB
dc.title.alternativeR scripts & input file “data_Tyuva mussels”-
Располагается в коллекциях:Other Items

Файлы этого ресурса:
Файл Описание РазмерФормат 
Tyuva mussels_raw data_Ptros by PT.xlsx54,16 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLПросмотреть/Открыть
Tyuva mussels_raw data_summary table.xlsx51,21 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLПросмотреть/Открыть
data_Tyuva mussels.xlsx126,25 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLПросмотреть/Открыть
TYUVA MUSSELS.R32,58 kBUnknownПросмотреть/Открыть

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