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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2022What is needed to know about Russian Compatriots?Petrov, Eugene Vadimovich
мар-2022Review on: Aleksander Szklennik. «Wspomnienia o wydarzeniach w Wilnie i w kraju». Dziennik. Wstęp i opracowanie Joanna Gierowska-Kałłaur. Część I. Warszawa: Instytut Historii PAN, 2018. 960 s. ISBN 978-83-65880-36-9; Część II. Warszawa: Instytut Historii PAN, 2019. 1067 s. ISBN 978-83-65880-77-2 / Morfozy społeczne. 18.Rupasov, Alexander Ivanovich
мар-2022The Interior of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in the 19th century: metamorphoses of symbolic messageLyubeznikov, Oleg Anatolievich
мар-2022The Late Paleologian icon of the Nativity of Christ from the Patriarch’s museum of church art at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow: on the features of the painting styleBobrova, Natalia Nikolaevna
мар-2022St. George church in Mlado Nagoričino: The artistic context of the frescoesOnufrienko, Maksim Olegovich
мар-2022The mentions about ancient Slavs (aṣ-Ṣaqālibah) by «the father of the Muslim historiography» aṭ- Ṭabarī (839–923)Shahinyan, Arsen Karapeti
мар-2022«Orthodox Greek Emperors have had this many times»: Byzantine example in legislative acts, panegyric and historical-political writings in Russia, late 17th – first guarter of the 18th centurySokolov, Sergei Vasilievich
мар-2022The image of Byzantium in the narratives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (15th – first half of the 17th century)Vаrаbyou, Pavel Anatolievich
мар-2022Reception of Roman law in North-Western Russia in 14th–15th centuries: widow and late husband propertyVovin, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; Sredinskaya, Nataliya Bronislavovna
мар-2022Confessio vs natio. Byzantine theological tradition as hindrance in formation of ethnic and national identity discourses in medieval Rus’Dmitriev, Mikhail Vladimirovich
мар-2022Irene Doukaina and the double monastery of the Theotokos Kecharitomene and Christ Philanthropos: relation between private piety and ktetorshipVinulović, Ljubica
мар-2022Importance of Dynastic and Political Ties for Cross-cultural Connections of Nemanide Serbia with the Mediterranean World and Central Europe around the First Fall of Constantinople, and its Reflections on Visual Culture of Nemanide SerbiaPiperski, Nikola
мар-2022The «Fatherland» of the Serbian Kings Milutin and Dečanski or Some Additional Thoughts on the «Medieval Serbian Oecumene»Popović, Mihailo St.; Zervan, Vratislav
мар-2022Byzantium after Byzantium? ForumBulanin, Dmitriy Mikhailovich; Dmitriev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Dzyarnovich, Oleg Ivanovich; Korenevsky, Andrey Vitalyevich; Kostromin, Konstantin Alexandrovich; Kushch, Tatiana Viktorovna; Martin, Russell; Polyvyanny, Dmitriy Igorevich; Shukurov, Rustam Mukhammadovich
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14