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dc.contributor.authorZamaldinov, Vladislav E.-
dc.identifier.citationZamaldinov V. E. (2022). Neologisms-hybrids in the texts of modern media communication. Media Linguistics, 9 (3), 210–219. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu22.2022.303 (In Russian)en_GB
dc.description.abstractNeologisms-hybrids in the texts of modern media communication are analyzed. It is noted that polycode is a combination of verbal and nonverbal components in the text. The author refers to the descriptive-analytical method, structural-semantic method, word-formation analysis, quantitative analysis. In addition, when selecting the material, a continuous sampling technique is used. Special attention is paid to the identification of media innovations created with the help of graphics. Such types of graphification as monografication, polygrafication, codografication, typografication are analyzed. Monografication is implemented in the following techniques: capitalization, hyphenation, parenthesis, holophrasis. It is emphasized that such word-formation innovations reflect the creative abilities of journalists, attract the attention of readers. In addition, the author describes polygramming. It is quite often implemented in latinografication. The nominations created with the help of this type of pulsation focus the attention of the addressees and affect their consciousness. Such a kind of graphic game as codografication is demonstrated. It is confirmed that it is implemented in numerografication, pictografication and inetografication. It is noted that in media communication, journalists can use such signs from the financial and economic sphere as $ (dollar) and € (euro). However, neoplasms with these symbols are less represented in the media space than other types of graphization. It is proved that the considered word-formation innovations increase the expressiveness of the media text. Neoplasms created with the help of typography are studied in detail. It is implemented in color grading. Word-forming neologisms formed with the help of this technique are used by the addressee to provide visual impact on native speakers. The following main conclusions are made: neoplasms created by monografication prevail in the texts of media communication; nominations attract the attention of readers, reflect the creative abilities of journalists.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedia Linguistics;Volume 9; Issue 3-
dc.subjectmedia communicationen_GB
dc.subjectword-formation innovationsen_GB
dc.titleNeologisms-hybrids in the texts of modern media communicationen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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