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dc.contributor.authorKarlov, Denis-
dc.contributor.authorSazanova, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorGuro, Polina-
dc.contributor.authorKuznetsova, Irina-
dc.contributor.authorVerkhozina, Alla-
dc.contributor.authorBelimov, Andrey-
dc.contributor.authorSafronova, Vera-
dc.identifier.citationKarlov, D., Sazanova, A., Guro, P., Kuznetsova, I., Verkhozina, A., Belimov, A., and Safronova, V. 2022. Genetic diversity of rhizobial strains isolated from the relict legumes Gueldenstaedtia monophylla and G. verna growing in the republics of Altai and Buryatia (Russia). Bio. Comm. 67(3): 141–151. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu03.2022.301en_GB
dc.description.abstractFor the first time, bacteria were isolated and identified from the root nodules of relict legumes Gueldenstaedtia monophylla Fisch. and G. verna (Georgi) Boriss. growing in the republics of Altai and Buryatia. The taxonomic position of the 29 obtained isolates was determined by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene (rrs). Showing a significant biodiversity, the isolates from G. monophylla and G. verna belonged to five genera of the order Rhizobiales: Mesorhizobium and Phyllobacterium (family Phyllobacteriaceae), Rhizobium (family Rhizobiaceae), Bosea (family Boseaceae), Bradyrhizobium (family Bradyrhizobiaceae). Three isolates which belonged to the species Bradyrhizobium valentinum and Rhizobium alamii showed 100 % of rrs-similarity with the type strains B. valentinum LmjM3T and R. alamii GBV016T, respectively. Six isolates of the genera Bosea and Rhizobium had a low level of rrs-similarity with the closest type strains (less than 99.5 %), which indicates that they may be assigned to new species. The data obtained can be used to itemise taxonomy within the order Rhizobiales, as well as to reveal the mechanisms of the formation of specific plant-microbial relationships during the evolution of symbiosis by studying the intermediate link between the extinct and modern rhizobia-legume symbiotic systems.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe work was performed with Russian Science Foundation support (Grant No. 20-76-10042 for microbiology and sterile test-tube experiments; Grant No. 21-16-00084 for molecular and bioinformatics work). The long-term storage of strains was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in accordance with agreement No. 075-15-2021-1055 on providing a grant in the form of subsidies from the Federal budget of Russian Federation. The research was performed using equipment of the Core Centrum “Genomic Technologies, Proteomics and Cell Biology” at the ARRIAM.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBiological Сommunications;Volume 67; Issue 3-
dc.subjectrelict legume plantsen_GB
dc.subjectgenus Gueldenstaedtiaen_GB
dc.subjectroot nodule bacteriaen_GB
dc.subject16S rRNA genesen_GB
dc.titleGenetic diversity of rhizobial strains isolated from the relict legumes Gueldenstaedtia monophylla and G. verna growing in the republics of Altai and Buryatia (Russia)en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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