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dc.contributor.authorSimonov, Sergey-
dc.contributor.authorMatantseva, Maria-
dc.identifier.citationSimonov, S. and Matantseva, M. 2022. Bird summer distribution patterns on islands in Onega Bay, White Sea. Bio. Comm. 67(1): 19–31. https://doi. org/10.21638/spbu03.2022.103en_GB
dc.identifier.otherhttps://doi. org/10.21638/spbu03.2022.103-
dc.description.abstractWe studied avian populations and distribution patterns on 20 islands in Onega Bay, White Sea, with transect surveys completed to register selected biotic and abiotic factors in July 2020. Bird population densities proved to be the highest on small secluded islands rarely visited by humans and on treeless islands. We also found positive correlations between the species richness and the island size, presence of woody vegetation, and human visitation. It is noteworthy that although human interference can cause species diversity on the islands to increase, the relative abundance of birds declined. Furthermore, species diversity increased due to the arrival of species atypical of this region and, hence, lacking the complete set of requisite adaptations. Further human pressure on the islands can eventually destabilise their avifaunal complexes and aggravate the current transformation of northern communities in response to climate change.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe analytical component of the study was done under state orders to KarRC RAS 0218-2019-0080 and FMEN-2022- 0003. Fieldwork was carried out under the Integrated World Ocean Research Program using the research vessel Ecolog, owned by KarRC RAS, as the base.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBiological Сommunications;Volume 67; Issue 1-
dc.subjectWhite Seaen_GB
dc.subjectbird distributionen_GB
dc.subjectspecies compositionen_GB
dc.subjectenvironmental factorsen_GB
dc.titleBird summer distribution patterns on islands in Onega Bay, White Seaen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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