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dc.contributor.authorLucаrini, Carlo-
dc.identifier.citationCarlo Lucаrini. Coniectanea (IV). Philologia Classica 2021, 16 (2), 370–387.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this article is to cast new light on the textual constitution of some passages of Seneca’s De beneficiis, De clementia, Apolocyntosis, Dialogi and on the text of the anonymous comedy Querolus sive Aulularia. A new edition of De beneficiis, De clementia and Apocolocyntosis for the Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis will be published by R. Kaster, and the author of the article had the occasion of reading a proof of it. In this work, approximately 70 of Seneca’s passages and 5 of the Querolus are discussed, for the majority of which a new conjecture is proposed (the author’s knowledge of the readings of the manuscripts is based only on the reports of the editions). For instance: De ben. 2, 28, 3 instead of fert read fer<a>t; De ben. 5, 4, 2 add itaque <bonus>; De ben. 6, 3, 1 read <ni>si cito; De ben. 6, 37, 2 non est… pudet should be deleted; De ben. 7, 2, 6 instead of prorsus read pronus; De clem. 2, 7, 2 add eius <levius>; Apocol. 4, 3 add <solito> sonum; De ira 3, 28, 3 instead of dolor read dolus; De ira 3, 13, 7 instead of tota read tuta. Cons. ad Helviam matrem 10, 3 instead of potest read potitur. Querolus 26 read fall<er>is.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPhilologia Classica;Volume 16; Issue 2-
dc.subjectQuerolus sive Aululariaen_GB
dc.subjectancient philosophyen_GB
dc.subjecttextual criticismen_GB
dc.titleConiectanea (IV)en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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