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мар-2021An innovative synthesis of early medieval Croatian history (On N. Budak’s book «The Croatian history from 550 to 1100»)Alimov, Denis Evgenievich
мар-2021Reserve Hortyca and its place in historical memoryKasianov, Georgiy Vladimirovich; Tairova-Yakovleva, Tatiana Gennadyevna
мар-2021First publication of documents of dietines of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaAmbroziak, Tomasz
мар-2021Lembitu: A medieval warlord in Estonian CultureSelart, Anti
мар-2021Reconstruction of the Old Castle of HrodnaVolkau, Mikola Aljaksandravich
мар-2021Representation of the Livonian clergy in 13th–16th century sigillographic sourcesJekele, Ilona
мар-2021Livonia and depiction of Russians at Imperial diets before the Livonian WarMaasing, Madis
мар-2021The culture of the Slavic and Balkan countries in reports of participants of the International scientific conference «Art and culture of the Middle Ages. Heritage and perspectives for comprehension»Maltseva, Svetlana Vladislavovna; Staniukovich-Denisova, Ekaterina Iurievna
мар-2021Andrey Vitalyevich Karavashkin (20.08.1964–15.01.2021)Filyushkin, Alexander Ilyich; Yerusalimski, Konstantin Yuryevich
мар-2021Liubech castle: In search of symbols and meaningsKondratiev, Ihor Viktorovich