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сен-2021Fighter Battalions of the Leningrad Region Defending the City During the Summer of 1941 — Spring of 1942Medvedev, T. D.
сен-2021Food Supply of Partisan Formations of Belarus During the Nazi Occupation (Based on the Materials of the Vitebsk Region)Krasnozhenova, E. E.; Kulinok, S. V.
сен-2021Unpleasant Memories: Jasep Vitols during the First Years of the Soviet PowerMalnach, A. D.
сен-2021German Bank of Soviet Russia (Activity of the German-Volga Bank of Agricultural Credit in the 1920s)Golitsyn, Yu. P.; Sokolov, A. S.
сен-2021Searching for the “Strong Hand”: The Revolutionary Crisis in Russia in 1917 and the French Assessments on its TerminationMagadeev, I. E.
сен-2021The Petition Campaign of the Muslims of Leningrad on the Return of the Cathedral Mosque in 1946–1955Bekkin, R. I.
сен-2021The Affair of the First Secretary of the Kaluga Regional Committee of the VKP(b): A Look at the Social Capital of the Kaluga Regional Leadership, 1944–1948Kometchikov, I. V.
сен-2021USSR and the Red Army through the Eyes of the French Military Attaché E. Mendras (1933–1934)Vershinin, A. A.
сен-2021Soviet Women in the Years of the “Khrushchev’s Thaw” in English Language PublicationsPushkareva, N. L.; Zhidchenko, A. V.
сен-2021Soviet Publishers and Readers of French Literature, Late 1920s – 1930sPanov, S. I.; Panova, O. Yu.