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dc.contributor.authorChernyavsky, Alexander L.-
dc.identifier.citationChernyavsky A. L. The unity of the divine and the human in Christ: The Chalcedonian definition and Paul Tillich’s Spirit Christology. Issues of Theology, 2021, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 400–416.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe Christological disputes of the 6th–7th centuries (the polemics of Leontius of Byzantium with the Nestorians and Eutychians, and Maximus the Confessor with the monoenergistes/monothelites) showed that the Chalcedonian definition gives rise to a number of problems that cannot be solved within the framework of traditional theology: the unclear ontological status of human nature without a human hypostasis; the inconsistency of the ontological models underlying trinitology and Christology; the need to resort to an artificial interpretation of the gospel testimonies about Christ. However, the Chalcedonian definition is only one possible way to describe the unity of the divine and the human in Christ. The Christology of Paul Tillich is considered as an example of an alternative description in which the above problems do not arise. Tillich’s idea is to replace the traditional concept of the Logos incarnated in man with the concept of the Spirit of God transforming man. According to this view, God does not act on human nature without hypostasis, but on the hypostasis of man through its unifying center. During the earthly life of Christ, this effect occurred only in the hypostasis of Christ as man. And after (and thanks to) the death on the cross and the resurrection of Christ, it extends to all people.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIssues of Theology;Volume 3; Issue 3-
dc.subjectChalcedonian definitionen_GB
dc.subjecthuman natureen_GB
dc.subjectontological interpretationen_GB
dc.subjectunifying center of hypostasisen_GB
dc.subjectGospel testimonyen_GB
dc.subjectSpirit Christologyen_GB
dc.titleThe unity of the divine and the human in Christ: The Chalcedonian definition and Paul Tillich’s Spirit Christologyen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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