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мар-2021On the way to Fedor Karpov’s archive: Traces in the Chudov monastery?Bulanin, Dmitrii M.
мар-2021A new approach to the enigmatic language of Kurbskij and its seeming “anomalies”Bounatirou, Elias Moncef
мар-2021About Old Russian lexicography (new information about the 17th century lexicographer David Zamaray)Levichkin, Alexander N.
мар-2021Verbs meaning ‘know’ in Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian writing: Distributive, quantitative, and semantic propertiesZholobov, Oleg F.; Baranov, Victor A.
мар-2021Ways of adapting Greekisms in the Slavic-Russian version of the Euchologion of the Great ChurchMolkov, Georgiy A.
мар-2021Vatican Psalter Vat. slav. 8: Paleographic, linguistic, and textual features of the manuscriptAfanasyeva, Tatiana I.; Burilkina, Tatiana V.
мар-2021On the history of the texts of the Moscow Anfologion of 1660: Chapters… from the book Paradise and Tetrastichae sententiae by Gregory NazianzenSavel’eva, Natalya V.
мар-2021About the history of indefinite pronouns: quasi-relative constructions with ni budi and ni jest’ in 17th–18th century Russian languagePenkova, Yana A.
мар-2021Guidebooks to the Holy Land in the repertoire of the pilgrim literature of Muscovite Rus’Fedorova, Irina V.
мар-2021On the role of the Novgorod tradition of Latin translations in the history of Russian language and culture: Lexical borrowings and unconscious fragmentsTomelleri, Vittorio S.