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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2021Religious language as natural-sacred languageSaeidi, Massoud Toossi; Hossini, Seyed Hassan
мар-2021Orthodox samizdat in Chuvashia in the 1960s–1980sBerman, Andrew G.
мар-2021Archetype and matrix image (potential forms of an image)Błocian, Ilona
мар-2021Cyborg onticsSokolov, Boris G.; Morina, Larisa P.
мар-2021Network, procedural and cognitive components of digital public governance implementation designs: Тhe experience of European countriesVolkova, Anna V.; Kulakova, Tatyana A.
мар-2021On one approach to assessing the conflictological competence of a manager using the method of mathematical modelingBandejkina, Natalia N.; Kryukova, Tatyana V.
мар-2021Concept of space of places in social sciencesBoronoev, Аsаlhаn O.; Thakahov, Valeriy Kh.
мар-2021The first Russian textbook on logic: Historical, logical, and textual analysisTonoyan, Larisa G.; Semikolennykh, Maria V.
мар-2021Michel Foucault’s experience, limit-experience and spirituality problemKorotkov, Dmitry M.; Tsypina, Lada V.
мар-2021Plato’s Socrates and a new interpretation of the kosmosZelinová, Zuzana
мар-2021“I” and collective responsibilityBakeeva, Elena V.; Biricheva, Ekaterina V.
мар-2021Immanuel Kant and Herman Cohen’s philosophy of religionBelov, Vladimir N.; Berdnikova, Aleksandra Yu.; Karagod, Yulia G.
мар-2021V. I. Lenin and empiriocritics about matter. Is the discussion over?Antonov, Alexey V.
мар-2021Hegel as an atheist and intuitivist in the interpretations of Alexandre Kozhève and Nikolay LosskyKorolkov, Alexander A.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14