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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2021Johann Gottlieb Fichte as a theologianLukyanov, Arkadiy V.; Pushkareva, Marina A.
июн-2021Liturgical theology of psalm 120 (121)Pikovskiy, Iriney (hieromonk)
июн-2021Veneration of saints in AnglicanismDementyev, Leonid I.
июн-2021A review of research literature on the topic of the priesthood in the works of st. Gregory the TheologianAntonov, Nikolay K.
июн-2021Metaphysics of a forgotten tradition I. Introduction of the concept of “intrinsic modus of thing” by John Duns Scotus: From the theological explication of “infinity” to the metaphysical problem of “contraction of being”Ivanov, Vitaly L.
июн-2021Extremist behavior as an “act of communication”: A theological and psychological analysisBogachev, Aleksei M.; Prilutsky, Alexander M.; Teplykh, Galina I.
июн-2021Theology in the Church and at the secular university: Features and problemsAlfeyev, Hilarion (metropolitan of Volokolamsk)
июн-2021Methods of academic theology (pro et contra of Bernard Lonergan)Vasiliev, Alexey A. (priest)
июн-2021Program aniconism in theology of Devarim (Deuteronomy)Raevskaya, Natalya Yu.