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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2021Types of fideicommissa in Roman inheritance lawKopylov, Alexander V.
июн-2021Compensation for harm resulting from the usage of a building: Сomparative analysis of Russian and Chinese lawErbakhaev, Evgeniy A.; Kratenko, Maxim V.
июн-2021The legal nature of pre-insolvency proceedings under Russian and European lawMastilovich, Larisa
июн-2021Legal regulation of the transmission of health-related data: Balance of public interests and individual rights in the context of cross-border health careAkulin, Igor M.; Chesnokova, Ekaterina A.; Genovese, Umberto; Presnyakov, Roman A.; Pryadko, Anastasia E.
июн-2021The creation of China’s lenient punishments for those confessing to their crimes and accepting punishments in criminal cases and its theoretical reflectionZehua, Lyu
июн-2021Dialectical analysis of amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law of China in 2018Peng, Haiqing
июн-2021The system of co-ownership in JapanKim, Minju
июн-2021Important issues in select European Union countries’ criminal environmental law in compliance with Directive 2008/99/ECZębek, Elżbieta
июн-2021Information technology in the investigation of riotsGrigoryev, Victor N.
июн-2021Features of the legal regime governing the personal property of spouses in RussiaAleksandrova, Maria A.; Fedorova, Olga A.
июн-2021Consultative meetings of non-Arctic states on the status of the ArcticVylegzhanin, Alexander N.; Kienko, Elena V.
июн-2021The trends in the development of the legal regime of the Northern Sea RouteBekyashev, Damir K.; Bekyashev, Kamil A.
июн-2021Co-regulation as a way to improve the effectiveness of legal regulation in sportsDorskaia, Aleksandra A.; Dorskii, Andrei Yu.
июн-2021Main directions of legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in the context of a pandemicEgorova, Mariia A.; Minbaleev, Aleksei V.; Kozhevina, Ol’ga V.; Dufolt, Alain
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 14 из 14